Setelah aku menerima berguni kutukan, cercaan, makian, dari mereka dan kluarga mereka yang tag aku, dengan berat ati aku jawab jugak...
1. Please upload pictures of your favourite foods (donuts,noodles,ice-creams,dishes & etc):Laksa la yang aku minat.. murah n sedap.. hehehe
2. Why do you like to eat it so much?
kan aku dah kata tadi, murah n sedap...
3. Who tagged you with this tag? Describe briefly about him/her.
2 orang, darkpeace n mindslaver.... mindslaver tu kutuk aku kaw2 punya semata-mata suruh aku jawab tag ni.. sori r, kat blog carburiderz, aku takkan layan...
4. Can you cook? (YES or NO)
tengok kepala lutut la.. mesti la boley...
5. If you answered YES to question 4, give a name of one of your friends whom you wanted to cook for, state what do you want to cook for him/her and why do you want to cook for him/her. If you answered NO to question 4, give a name of one of your friends whom you wanted to treat to a lunch or a dinner, state what food do you want to treat him/her and why do you want to treat him/her.
takdak masa aku nak masak untuk orang lain.. aku cuma masak untuk penuhkan perut sendiri dan perut customer ja... (aku meniaga hotdog tau)... kalu dah ada famili sendiri tu mungkin aku masakkan untuk depa...
6. Tag another 8 bloggers and state the reason why do you want to tag them:
aku tak mau tag sapa-sapa pun... kesian kat mereka dan keluarga mereka... membazir masa jawab tag macam aku..
Friday, June 5, 2009 |
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